Bible Study Chronology

Explore a verse-by-verse chronological study of the Bible with historical accuracy by Michael Ratti.

Mostly Chronological Bible Study by Michael Ratti

A verse by verse chronology of the Bible, providing historical accuracy and readability.

Full list of verses (Verses are dated where possible.)

(Includes kings from Israel, Judah, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Syria.)
Gospel Comparison
(Side-by-side list of verses)

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BC Starting Verse Summary Page Gen 1The creation of the world1 2499 Gen 7The flood begins2 2497 Gen 11:10Shem's descendants3 2122 Gen 16Sarai and Hagar4 2107 Gen 21The birth of Isaac5 2047 Gen 25:19The birth of Esau and Jacob6 1970 Gen 28:10Jacob's dream7 1950 Gen 32Jacob fears Esau8 1939 Gen 37Joseph's dreams9 1918 Gen 42Joseph's brothers go to Egypt10 1917 Gen 46Joseph brings his family to Egypt11 Ex 1Israel increases greatly in Egypt12 1487 Ex 7Moses and Aaron before pharaoh13 1487 Ex 13Consecration of the firstborn14 1487 Ex 19Israel at Mount Sinai15 1487 Ex 23Laws about justice16 1487 Ex 27:20Oil for the lamp17 1487 Ex 32The golden calf18 Ex 37Making the ark19 1486 Lev 1Laws for burnt offerings20 1486 Lev 8Consecration of Aaron and his sons21 1486 Lev 13Laws about leprosy22 1486 Lev 17The place of sacrifice23 1486 Lev 24The lamps24 1486 Num 1Census of Israel's warriors25 1486 Num 5Unclean people26 1486 Num 8The seven lamps27 Deut 1:19Israel travels to Kadesh-barnea28 Num 16Korah's rebellion29 Deut 2:8Current nations dispossessed prior nations30 1448 Num 25Baal worship at Peor31 1448 Num 30Men and vows32 Num 33Recounting Israel's journey33 1447 Deut 1Introduction34 1447 Deut 10:12Circumcise your heart35 1447 Deut 16:21Forbidden forms of worship36 1447 Deut 23:15Miscellaneous laws37 1447 Deut 29Covenant renewed in Moab38 1447 Josh 1God encourages Joshua39 1447 Josh 8The fall of Ai40 Josh 14The inheritance west of the Jordan41 Josh 20Cities of refuge42 1417 Judg 1Continuing conquest of Canaan43 1396 Judg 3:7Mesopotamia oppresses Israel. Ruth44 1312 Judg 4Canaanites oppress Israel45 1209 Judg 9Abimelech's conspiracy46 1120 Judg 13Philistines oppress Israel47 Judg 14Samson's Marriage48 1069 1 Sam 9Saul chosen to be king49 1 Sam 15The Lord rejects Saul50 1 Sam 17David and Goliath51 1 Sam 21David and the holy bread52 1050 1 Sam 27David flees to the Philistines53 1050 2 Sam 1David hears of Saul's death54 1044 2 Sam 5:6David takes Jerusalem55 1 Chr 13David consults about the Ark56 2 Sam 8:15David's officials57 2 Sam 13Amnon and Tamar58 2 Sam 16:15Absalom enters Jerusalem59 2 Sam 24The Lord's anger kindled60 1011 1 Chr 26Divisions of the gatekeepers61 1009 2 Chr 1Solomon established62 ? Song Song of Solomon63 1001 1 Kin 6:38Temple constructed64 ? Prov 1Proverbs65 ? Prov 7Proverbs66 ? Prov 13Proverbs67 ? Prov 19Proverbs68 ? Prov 25Proverbs69 988 1 Kin 8Ark brought into Temple70 988 1 Kin 9The Lord appears to Solomon71 ? Eccl Ecclesiastes72 972 1 Kin 11:41Solomon dies73 2 Chr 11:18Rehoboam's family74 913 1 Kin 22:41Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah75 1 Kin 21:17Elijah condemns Ahab76 892 2 Kin 8:16Jehoram made king in Judah77 885 2 Kin 8:25Ahaziah reigns in Judah78 2 Kin 87 year famine ends / Shunammite's land restored79 828 2 Kin 14:23Jeroboam II reigns in Israel. Jonah80 802 2 Kin 14:21Azariah (Uzziah) made king in Judah. Amos81 788 2 Kin 14:29Jeroboam II dies (Israel)82 Isa 1Isaiah83 750 2 Kin 15:32Jotham reigns in Judah84 735 2 Kin 16Ahaz reigns in Judah85 2 Kin 16:6Elath taken by Syria86 724 2 Kin 17Hoshea rebels, reigns in Israel87 Hos 11Hosea88 718 2 Kin 17:5Samaria besieged89 Isa 24Isaiah90 Isa 32Isaiah91 716 2 Kin 17:6Samaria falls92 708 2 Chr 32:16Sennacherib defies the Lord93 Isa 40Isaiah94 Isa 45Isaiah95 Isa 49Isaiah96 Isa 55Isaiah97 Isa 61Isaiah98 694? Job 1Job 99 694? Job 8Job 100 694? Job 15Job 101 694? Job 22Job 102 694? Job 27Job 103 694? Job 32Job 104 694? Job 38Job 105 693 2 Kin 20:20Hezekiah dies. Habakkuk106 648 2 Chr 33:10Manasseh's repentance. Nahum107 626 Jer 1Jeremiah108 Jer 7Jeremiah109 Jer 10Jeremiah110 Zeph Zephaniah111 621 2 Kin 22:3Josiah repairs Temple112 608 2 Kin 24Jehoiakim rebels113 605 Dan 1Daniel114 604 Jer 25Jeremiah115 598 Jer 52:28Jeremiah116 596 Jer 24Jeremiah117 593 Ezek 1Ezekiel118 593 Jer 27Jeremiah119 592 Ezek 8Ezekiel120 592 Ezek 12Ezekiel121 591 Ezek 20Ezekiel122 588 Jer 39Jeremiah123 587 Ezek 29Ezekiel124 587 Jer 32Jeremiah125 585 Ezek 33:21Ezekiel126 585 Ezek 32Ezekiel127 582 Jer 52:30Jeremiah128 Obad Obadiah129 573 Ezek 40Ezekiel130 573 Ezek 45Ezekiel131 571 Ezek 29:17Ezekiel132 539 Dan 5Daniel133 538 2 Chr 36:22Proclamation of Cyrus134 536 Dan 10Daniel135 520 Hag 1Haggai136 519 Zech 1:7Zechariah137 518 Zech 7Zechariah138 515 Ezra 6:14Temple completed. Joel139 486 Ezra 4:6Accusation against Judah140 474 Esth 5Esther prepares a banquet141 Mal Malachi142 458 Ezra 8Ezra travels to Jerusalem143 445 Neh 1Report from Jerusalem144 445 Neh 5Oppression of the poor stopped145 445 Neh 8Ezra reads the law146 Neh 12:27Dedication of the wall147 400 BCAn Interlude of Psalms Psalm 1Book 1148 Psalm 16Book 1149 Psalm 24Book 1150 Psalm 34Book 1151 Psalm 42Book 2152 Psalm 51Book 2153 Psalm 66Book 2154 Psalm 73Book 3155 Psalm 78Book 3156 Psalm 84Book 3157 Psalm 90Book 4158 Psalm 102Book 4159 Psalm 107Book 5160 Psalm 111Book 5161 Psalm 119Book 5162 Psalm 120Book 5163 Psalm 138Book 5164 7 BCNew Testament Chronology John 1The Word Became Flesh165 4 Matt 2The Visit of the Wise Men166 AD Starting Verse Summary Page 29 John 2:13Jesus Cleanses the Temple167 30 Mark 1:16Jesus Gathers His Disciples168 30 Matt 8Jesus Cleanses a Leper169 30 Mark 3:7A Great Crowd Follows Jesus170 31 Mark 6:21The Death of John the Baptist171 31 Mark 5Jesus Heals a Man with Demons172 32 Matt 14Herod is Perplexed by Jesus173 32 Matt 15Traditions and Commandments174 32 Matt 16:13Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ175 32 John 7:2The Feast of Booths at Hand176 32 John 10:22I and the Father Are One177 33 Luke 11:14Jesus and Beelzebul178 33 Luke 13:10A Woman with a Disabling Spirit179 33 Luke 16:18Divorce and Remarriage180 33 Luke 18:31Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time181 33 John 12:12The Triumphal Entry182 33 Matt 21:28The Parable of the Two Sons183 33 Luke 20:45Beware of the Scribes184 33 Mark 13:24The Coming of the Son of Man185 33 Matt 26:17The Passover with the Disciples186 33 John 14I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life187 33 Matt 26:36Jesus Prays in Gethsemane188 33 Luke 22:66Jesus Delivered to Pilate189 33 Mark 15:20Simon of Cyrene190 33 Matt 28The Resurrection191 33 Acts 1The Promise of the Holy Spirit192 33 Acts 5:17The Apostles Arrested and Freed193 ?James James194 Acts 11:19The Church in Antioch195 47 Acts 14:24Paul and Barnabas Return. Galatians196 48? Acts 15The Jerusalem Council. 1 Thessalonians197 2 Thess 2 Thessalonians198 55 Acts 19:21Paul Makes Travel Plans. 1 Corinthians199 1 Cor 81 Corinthians200 1 Cor 121 Corinthians201 55 Acts 19:23A Riot in Ephesus. 2 Corinthians202 2 Cor 82 Corinthians203 Acts 20:2Paul in Greece. Romans204 Romans 7Romans205 Romans 12Romans206 Acts 20:3Paul in Asia Minor207 59 Acts 24:27Paul Appeals to Caesar208 60 Acts 28:11Paul Arrives at Rome. Philippians209 Eph Ephesians210 Col Colossians and Philemon211 1 Peter 1 Peter212 1 Tim 1 Timothy and Titus213 2 Peter 2 Peter and 2 Timothy214 Hebrews 1Hebrews215 Hebrews 9Hebrews216 1 John 1,2,3 John and Jude217 Rev 1Revelation218 Rev 8Revelation219 Rev 15Revelation220

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